Saturday, November 5, 2011

What Is Communication

The first individual that comes to mind for me is a politician who is our United States President, Barack Obama. Personally, I haven’t agreed with his choices and decisions he has made while in office, however, I think he is an excellent speaker and communicator.  When President Obama speaks he captures my attention and I’m immediately drawn to his message. He has a charisma about him that enhances his communication skills.  He also speaks in a tone that is conducive for effective communication.  President Barack Obama is a born public speaker; his talents are rooted in a set of techniques that I would love to obtain. President Obama looks directly at one person in the audience while delivering each phrase during his speeches. He shifts his gaze from person to person only between sentences or ideas which give the president time to form connections with audience members. President Obama often opens with topics that resonate with his audience. Only when the president sees heads nodding in agreement does he move on to more controversial matters I have notices. President Obama’s words don’t drag on in long streams. He divides his speeches into phrases, each of which conveys a single complete idea. He drops the pitch of his voice at the end of each of these phrases and pauses before starting the next one.
Personally, I would love to model this same type of communicational skill……I would love to be a proficient speaker and communicator.


  1. Betty,

    You chose a very important person who is an excelllent communicator. The president job is a very important job where everyone expects him to be an effective competent commuicator. President Barck Obama does this maginficently. I would love to be able to speak calmly and effciently, too.

  2. Betty,

    I would have to agree with your choice of President Obama. I think it is interesting and an important distinction that even though you might not agree with his policies,but you can still appreciate his effective communication skills. From all the people that you want to be an effective communicator, I think it is important that the President of the United States instill these qualities as a communicator. Nice Post and good to have you in class again!

  3. Betty,
    I would emulate President Obama as a competent communicator as well. President Obama reminds me of a former Grenadian Prime Minister who was eloquent, communicated with authority, honesty and was very effective. When he became Prime Minister he was in a similar situation to what the President is now in however, that did not take away the fact that he was competent and honest and communicated objectively on those issues at hand. I think the President is doing just that in his communication.
    Thanks for your posting!

  4. Betty,
    I agree that President Obama is a very effective communicator. He speaks very proficient and makes direct eye contact to make everyone feel connected to what he is saying. He has a lot of ambition and strong communication skills which make it worthwhile when he speaks. I hope to have that same kind of impact when I am speaking with others. Great post I enjoyed reading it.
