Saturday, November 12, 2011

Communication Skills

I was watching a movie on the ET network, Serendipity and my phone rang….therefore I put on my television volume on silence.  I know this movie has been out for years but I had never had a chance to watch the movie until now. After my phone conversation I proceeded to turn the volume up and thought…I’m actually doing my blog listen and didn’t even realize it until I got off the phone. I was actually trying to keep up with the money by reading lips and by their nonverbal behavior.
The particular scene I choose to discuss is the scene when she coming in from a long day at work and opens the door to a room filled with rose petals and candles and a large box which is filled with smaller boxes….she finds a tiny box and opens the box to only find that the box is empty her boyfriend walks into the room and it’s obvious that she is very disappointed and the boyfriend walks into the room with something in his fingers and she begins to smile when she sees the ring….just by the nonverbal actions of the two individuals it seems that the couple has great communication between them because they are very happy because of facial expressions.
Once I turn the volume on I had the assumption that even though the female seemed very elated by her facial expression her tone wasn’t quite as convincing that she was as happy as her face appeared. If I had known the movie I would have understood the circumstance behind her unconvincing tone of voice that she was elated.


  1. Betty,
    Nonverbal communication can be contradictory (O'Hair, & Wiemann, 2009). In many cases, a person might say one thing and the body language might say something else. Observe the other person's tone, gestures, posture and eye contact to determine whether it matches the message. Awareness of contradictory words and behaviors can lead to greater understanding of a situation.

    O'Hair, & Wiemann, 2009). Real Communication: An Introduction. Bedford, St. Martin's

  2. Hello Betty,

    I think you chose an interesting movie to use observe your communicating skills. Although, I never watched this movie, I would have assume the same facial expression of disappointment; the girlfriend felt when she did not find the engagement ring in one of the boxes on the bed. This incident helped me to see that sometimes facial expressions can be misinterpreted. I was happy to know that the couple had good communications skills together.
