Saturday, June 23, 2012

Time Well Spent

I can’t believe we all have made it to the end….it seems like it was just a few months ago since the beginning but thank God he saw us through.
Since beginning my first course with Walden I feel like I have become a better student and writer. I feel that the instructors I have had the pleasure of working with have given me the advice and tools needed to become a better student and writer.  I have also learned so much from my fellow classmates, many of whom have been in every class together. I enjoyed the blogs because it have us a chance to express ourselves freely with one another and share ideas as well as support one another. I also feel that I have learned strategies to prepare me to be a leader.
A long term goal is to make a positive difference in my community. I hope to evidentially become an owner/CEO of my own consulting business.
Favorite quote is: “The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” – Bill Copeland
Dr. Myers you have truly been the most supportive instructor and I feel that your feedback enhanced my knowledge and understanding.
To all of my fellow classmates I will miss our discussions and blogs and wish all of you the best of success and may god bless each one of you.
God Bless!!
Betty “Traci” Lewis


  1. Betty,

    Our time spent at Walden were very rewarding. I got to learn a lot about myself while working with an intelligent bunch of colleagues. Although I am going to miss reading your discussions and blogs. I want to thank you for taking this journey of learning with me!

    Take Care and Good luck!

  2. Betty,
    I cannot believe that I will not be sitting in front of the computer trying to get an assignment completed. The time has flown by so quickly. You sound confident and ready to tackle whatever comes your way. All the best in whatever path your career leads you.
    P.S. Love the quote!

  3. Hi Betty,

    I have done all courses with you and I must say we have grown. I must agree with you that this program has also made me a better student as well as writer. I reflect on my early courses and compared them to the latter ones and I can definitely see the growth which would have taken place. Our specialization area that dealt with teaching adults will really grueling. It was extremely intense but may I say very valuable for our future roles. I must say that the issue of diversity and equity brought some of the most significant learning. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
