Saturday, May 12, 2012

Exploring Roles in ECE Community Local and State Levels

I live and work in a very rural and small community that I feel collaborates with agencies within the community very well that work to make a positive difference in the lives of families and children served. One organization that I currently take part in is our local Glascock Action Partners collaborative serves as the local decision-making body, bringing community partners together to develop, implement, and evaluate plans that address the serious challenges facing the children and families of our community. This organization currently has no job opportunities, however, is considering downsizing due to lack of funding. Glascock County Action Partners mission is the following: The mission of Glascock County Action Partners Family Connection Communities in Schools is to strengthen families and schools in Glascock County by building community partnerships that will ensure lifelong learning and success.  To become an active member of this group I have gained skills of collaborating and communicating with other agencies in my community to reach a goal.
The second organization I choose to explore and currently not a member of is Georgia Association of Educators (GAE) is a professional organization which is for public education professionals. The mission statement of this organization is the following: As an organization, we believe that public educators are the faces on educator’s front line. We exist to support, protect, and strengthen those who nurture Georgia’s children. After all, our educational program can be only as good as our educators. For us, standing up for education means stating up for public educators. That’s who we are as an organization and that’s what we believe. And that’s why we exist. This organization only has administrative openings available at the current time which are located in the Atlanta area and I’m not interested in moving. As a GAE member I have access to workshops that expand my skills through GAE’s Professional Development Workshops. Through this organization I will also be given liability insurance. GAE’s government relations department fights laws and policies that affect the profession of education, state standards and the classroom. This organization will give me the peace of mind that I’m a member of an organization who stands up for educators.
The third and last organization I have chosen to explore and currently not a member of is GAYC (Georgia Association of Young Children).  The mission statement of this organization is the following: The mission of the Georgia Association on Young Children is to encourage and support healthy development in young children by working with others (1) to increase public awareness of the importance of early childhood education, and (2) to improve the quality of programs for young children through learning opportunities for early childhood educators.  Members of this organization are individuals, who care about the education of young children. These individuals are those who want to make a difference, learn more and meet others who share their interests. The board and membership reflect Georgia's diversity with representation from many cultural and ethnic orientations; urban, suburban and rural perspectives; a full range of early care and education professions; as well as parents, advocates and individuals concerned with quality education for Georgia's children. Currently this organization doesn’t have an available job opportunities listed. Being a member of this organization will give me resources to enhance my skills as an educator. 


  1. Betty,
    The Glascock County Action Partners sounds like a great organization to be involved in to gain skills and knowledge. I think it is important to be involved in a professional organization to keep abreast of current issues and trends in early childhood as well as link with other early childhood professionals.

    1. Tamara,
      Yes, it is a very resources organization to have in my community. Thanks for your post!

  2. Betty,
    Being involved in COP is a great opportunity for you to share knowledge, skills, and dispositions gained throughout the MSECS course. Engaging in a process of collective learning in a shared domain learning how to do things better as they interact regularly is what COP is all about (Wenger circa 2007). Many issues pertaining to children and families need attention. It is my hope that your involvement will make a difference in the lives of young children and families.
    Thanks for your response!

  3. Betty,

    It seems that lack of funding has negatively effected community resources serving families and children in need. It is so unfortunate that there are such cuts to programs that serve the communities that strongly need support. This is a challenge in my loxcal area as well. I do appreciate organizations such as Glascock County Action Partners. There is a great need of effort to collaborate and make positive changes in any area big or small.

    1. Thanks for your response. Yes, lack of funding has affected so many resources.

  4. Betty,
    It is great that there are opportunities and resources for the early childhood educator's and families to improve their knowledge base. Every where in the world it is the same story regarding the money, but what everyone needs to understand is the priorities? Early childhood education has to be on the top of the priority list. Thank you for sharing!!

    1. Venuri,

      You are so is an issue everywhere and the bad part is that Education is getting the brunt of the cut back. Thanks for your response.
