These three self-assessment tool helped me identify my weaknesses as well as my strengths. I was able to identify the positives and negatives which I can build on and enhance both. I was basically not surprised at the results when I answered the questions myself however, I was somewhat surprised at the answers I was given my co-worker and a family member.
My family member and coworker had very similar views on the communication anxiety inventory piece. One particular difference in the way I perceive myself and the way in which my family member and coworker perceived me in regards to having self confidence and feeling comfortable communicating in most situations. My family member and coworker’s view was that I was often very comfortable and very relaxed in speaking to a large or small group of people and my view was that experience a considerable amount of anxiety.
My family member and coworker also had very similar views in regards to verbal aggressive scale and their score was only two point difference. However, their responses were also very similar to my answers with only a two and four point difference. I felt very proud and honored that my coworker and also my family member viewed me as an individual who engages in verbal aggressiveness or personal attacks no matter the situation.
Again when questioned by my family member and coworker I received similar responses to the questions. When I completed test three I was placed in Group I and when my coworker and family member completed test three they also placed me in Group I. I consider myself as a good listener however I do have room for improvement, particular when patience is challenged. My coworker as well as my family member both identified this as a weakness, patience. Until I completed this assignment I never realized that I was letting my short patience show in my conversations, this was a gained insight for me.