Early Childhood Australia: This is the Australian equivalent to the U.S. based NAEYC. You can access several links to early childhood research from the menu on the left side of the home page.
http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/ What are some of the current international research topics? I found it interesting that Australia had very similar research topics as we do here in America, for example:
Ø School Readiness and Children’s Transition
Ø Childhood Obesity
Ø Early Years Education Framework
Ø Learning and Teaching Through Play
Ø Children’s Resilience
Ø Code of Ethics
Ø Respecting Diversity
These are some of the same topics that are currently being researched here in America. I just recently attended a training on school readiness and an also on the Education Framework where an abundant amount of research was recently completed.
What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?
The first thing that I noticed and I wish more was done about in my school district, which I can’t speak for other areas, but I noted that research was currently underway in reference to bullying. This is being such an issue in many schools. As a Head Start center we do implement mental health into our curriculum but I think more emphasis should be done regarding bullying.
I also found that there is subscription to a magazine “Every Child” which is ideal for students, childcare workers, parents, grandparents or anyone who wants to keep up to date on events and developments around Australia that impact on children from birth to eight years or on the early childhood field in general.
There was also a link on this website where educators could share ideas and suggestions on many topics for example: Exploring and discovering, increasing your student’s curiosity, helping your students problem solve…this was an excellent idea where educators can learn from one another.
What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?
First of all I thought this website was very easy navigating and organized in a very neat and eyecatching matter.
Another link I found very interesting was “Everyday Learning Series” which provides wonderful suggestions about how to create positive learning environments for young children. By 'making the ordinary, extraordinary', the Everyday Learning Series is an invaluable resource for parents, grandparents and care givers by assisting them in maximizing young children's play, exploration and discovery, and development within familiar environments. |