I have several factors within my daily environment that supports me and gives me strength each day which are:
Ø God-Faith
Ø My Family
Ø My Assistant
Ø My students
First of all I could not make it through the day without my faith and god strength. Through my faith I’m able to overcome obstacles and persevere through the stressors of everyday life. Without faith and my belief in God I don’t think I could make it through the day, how does anyone? 
Thirdly, my assistant is a supportive part of my daily routine. We have worked together for nearly ten years and have a fantastic relationship. She is the type of person that I can depend on and she can depend on me which makes great teamwork. My assistant never fails to jump in and lend a hand if I need help with something she is always there for me. I could not imagine working with her, she is a God sent.

My job is rather challenging at times, but it’s such a rewarding and fulfilling profession. I look forward to going to my job each day and seeing all of the little similes on the faces of the children I serve daily. If I’m a little down or need a laugh my children are always there to uplift me and my day is instantly better. I have often pondered over changing my profession, but I cannot see myself doing anything other than working in the educational field. Even as a little girl my favorite play was “being a teacher”.