Friday, December 23, 2011


To all my colleagues I would like to thank for supporting me through this class and my journey through the graduate program. It has been a pleasure working so closely with each and every one of you on and off over the past year.

I plan on continuing my graduate studies in Teaching Adults in Early Childhood.  I don’t only have learned so much from the studies, readings and assignments, but I have learned so much from each one of you through our discussions and blogs.

As we move on into our specialties I hope to keep in touch with those who may no longer be in any of my classes.

I wish each and every one of you a very successful professional future and please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Happy Holidays!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Week 6

According to the readings this week most people adjourn with a celebratory dinner or perhaps a simple thank you or goodbye (O’Hair & Weimann, 2009).
During the adjourning phase of my group I found the hardest to leave was the ones I had already established supportive and trustful relationships. Our group consisted of several who had established supportive relationships were to our advantage. We respected one another and valued their opinions and differences.  As a group we supported one another and each individual’s strengths were utilized to accomplish our goal.

The closing rituals that I have experienced include having dinner in honor of the group as a thank you and also having a recognition ceremony to recognize those individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty.

As my time at Walden draws to an end it will be somewhat difficult to leave my online classmates whom I have established relationships with and it’s always comforting when I begin a new class to see familiar names. During the past year I have found comfort in sharing stories and ideas classmates, something I will dearly miss after graduation.
However, I believe adjourning stage is essential stage of collaboration and teamwork because it gives us the opportunity to reflect in order grow academically.
Abudi, G. (2011). The five stages of team development: A case study. Retrieved from

O'Hair, & Wiemann, (2009). Real Communication. An Introduction.
Bedford/St. Martin's

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Week 4 Blog

These three self-assessment tool helped me identify my weaknesses as well as my strengths. I was able to identify the positives and negatives which I can build on and enhance both.  I was basically not surprised at the results when I answered the questions myself however, I was somewhat surprised at the answers I was given my co-worker and a family member.
My family member and coworker had very similar views on the communication anxiety inventory piece. One particular difference in the way I perceive myself and the way in which my family member and coworker perceived me in regards to having self confidence and feeling comfortable communicating in most situations.  My family member and coworker’s view was that I was often very comfortable and very relaxed in speaking to a large or small group of people and my view was that experience a considerable amount of anxiety.  
My family member and coworker also had very similar views in regards to verbal aggressive scale and their score was only two point difference.  However, their responses were also very similar to my answers with only a two and four point difference. I felt very proud and honored that my coworker and also my family member viewed me as an individual who engages in verbal aggressiveness or personal attacks no matter the situation.
Again when questioned by my family member and coworker I received similar responses to the questions.  When I completed test three I was placed in Group I and when my coworker and family member completed test three they also placed me in Group I. I consider myself as a good listener however I do have room for improvement, particular when patience is challenged. My coworker as well as my family member both identified this as a weakness, patience. Until I completed this assignment I never realized that I was letting my short patience show in my conversations, this was a gained insight for me.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 3: Communication and Culture - Blog Assignment

Do you find yourself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures?
If yes, in what ways do you communicate differently?

I do find myself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures. However, I don’t consider myself as fake, prejudice or inconsiderate, but I do change the way in which I communicate with the group or person I’m communicating with. If I’m in a professional setting I try to use proper English and give a lot of eye contact. I strive to be an active listener when I’m in a professional setting because I want to ensure that the individuals I’m communicating with know that I’m giving 100% of myself. However, when I’m with my immediate family I find myself not to be an active listener because sometimes my son will ask me a question and I will say “yea” and he will know that’s the wrong answer and he will say “what” and then I will realize that I wasn’t even listening to what he was saying. I often do the same thing with my husband as well as my coworker, friends and other family members. However, I am going to strive to become a better listener to members of my family, friends and coworkers.
 One particular situation I can remember when I did alter my communication in relations to communicating with an individual for another country/culture was about ten years ago involving
a remarries of my husband’s sister. First remarriage involved her marrying a man from Italy
when she was stationed over there so that was very challenging for our family and then they
divorce and several years later she remarries someone from Ecador and this was also
challenging however his personality was somewhat like ours and communication wasn’t quite
as difficult. Needless to say it was still hard communicating because they both have such
different culture and views than our family has.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Communication Skills

I was watching a movie on the ET network, Serendipity and my phone rang….therefore I put on my television volume on silence.  I know this movie has been out for years but I had never had a chance to watch the movie until now. After my phone conversation I proceeded to turn the volume up and thought…I’m actually doing my blog listen and didn’t even realize it until I got off the phone. I was actually trying to keep up with the money by reading lips and by their nonverbal behavior.
The particular scene I choose to discuss is the scene when she coming in from a long day at work and opens the door to a room filled with rose petals and candles and a large box which is filled with smaller boxes….she finds a tiny box and opens the box to only find that the box is empty her boyfriend walks into the room and it’s obvious that she is very disappointed and the boyfriend walks into the room with something in his fingers and she begins to smile when she sees the ring….just by the nonverbal actions of the two individuals it seems that the couple has great communication between them because they are very happy because of facial expressions.
Once I turn the volume on I had the assumption that even though the female seemed very elated by her facial expression her tone wasn’t quite as convincing that she was as happy as her face appeared. If I had known the movie I would have understood the circumstance behind her unconvincing tone of voice that she was elated.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What Is Communication

The first individual that comes to mind for me is a politician who is our United States President, Barack Obama. Personally, I haven’t agreed with his choices and decisions he has made while in office, however, I think he is an excellent speaker and communicator.  When President Obama speaks he captures my attention and I’m immediately drawn to his message. He has a charisma about him that enhances his communication skills.  He also speaks in a tone that is conducive for effective communication.  President Barack Obama is a born public speaker; his talents are rooted in a set of techniques that I would love to obtain. President Obama looks directly at one person in the audience while delivering each phrase during his speeches. He shifts his gaze from person to person only between sentences or ideas which give the president time to form connections with audience members. President Obama often opens with topics that resonate with his audience. Only when the president sees heads nodding in agreement does he move on to more controversial matters I have notices. President Obama’s words don’t drag on in long streams. He divides his speeches into phrases, each of which conveys a single complete idea. He drops the pitch of his voice at the end of each of these phrases and pauses before starting the next one.
Personally, I would love to model this same type of communicational skill……I would love to be a proficient speaker and communicator.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Professional Hopes and Goals

One hope I have in reference to working with children and families who come from a diverse background would be that I had a positive impact on their life.  For families who are diverse and particularly those who are not from this country for the most part have issues of trusting people, therefore, I hope to create a line of communication with the family and child to ensure that success takes place.  I always hope to strive to provide the families and children with the upmost respect and to stir away from stereotyping.
One goal I would like to set for early childhood related to issues of diversity, equality and social justice to also provide the families with equality and always provide them with respect.  I also pledge to avoid stereotyping and making assumptions related to their culture or diversity.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this class…it has been one of my favorite and it was a joy having some of the same colleagues in this class. I wish everyone the best of luck on their endeavors and professional dreams. Also thanks to Dr. Ferrari for providing such an interesting class and information.  I look forward to seeing some of you in the next class!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Country of Origin:  Ecuador
Map and flag of Ecuador.

Five Ways in which I will prepare myself for their arrival:

1.   First of all as a Head Start Employee we must provide a translator, therefore, I would ensure that this is set up.
2.   Gather basic information regarding their country, culture and traditions. Learn about the culture, language and history of their family and not make assumptions.
3.  Prepare my current students for the upcoming arrival of a new student, who is culturally diverse.
4.  Take the time to visit a family that is possibly from the same country is available, search my resources and community contacts.
5.  Try and get supplies that are in the native language and also decorate the classroom with things are familiar to him or that respect his or her culture.
In preparation of the above steps I hope to ensure my sensitivity in learning about cultures, language, and history of the families. I also hope to not make assumptions about anything and provide information on the most basic things that we take for granted. I just hope doing the above steps will ensure a smooth transition.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

I have discussed my personal experience with prejudice growing up and being educated in school setting where my culture was not represented many times in discussions, journals and applications therefore, I will discuss an incident where I was the witness.
I work in a community that is predominately Caucasian; I suppose it’s about 95% white.  However, my assistant is African American, who was born, raised and educated in this county and as result of this statistic she and I share similar challenges during our childhood.
I have worked at this center for nine years and she has worked there for about 11 years. Needless to say that we have a classroom full of children who are predominately white and occasionally this becomes a problem for my assistant.  I work for a Head Start Agency who has five centers in four different counties; however, my center is just one classroom. Therefore, with me being a center manager and lead teacher I have to attend many trainings and meetings, so at least once a week I’m away from the center.  From time to time my parents often use microaggression remarks that are hurtful and she often thinks they are discriminating against her. It also puts me in an uncomfortable situation because she and I are very close and have a great working relationship.  Recently I had a parent say to my assistant, “I don’t think K likes it when Mrs. Lewis is away from the center, it seems like she has a bad day every time she is away”.  A few days later after my assistant tells me what the parent had said, I had the opportunity to mention the remark to the parent, who stated, “Yea K isn’t use to black people and I don’t think she likes Mrs.????.  I thought I would fall out of my chair, I couldn’t believe this parent was admitting this to her child’s teacher. I explained to the mother the importance of teaching our children about diversity and that we would in cooperate diversity into our curriculum throughout the year. However, I thought it was right think not to tell my assistant what the parent said. I thought it would only make matters worse.
This often causes my assistant to have hard feelings toward the parents who make these comments. In reference to how this diminished equity is that our schools are no longer segregated therefore, everyone should be treated equally and if your child is educated in public school you should leave all the microaggression at the door.  When I’m put in situations like this it makes me very uncomfortable and I immediately become defensive inside in protection of my friend/my assistant but have to keep my professional composure.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

It very interesting that we are talking about micro-aggression this week and I experienced this in a very important meeting I attended this week.   We were attending a Policy Council meeting where there were key staff, parents, board members and community representatives present.  During this meeting individuals were elected for the five officers we have and all were Caucasian except for one individual.  At the end of the meeting a VERY key employee, who is African American instructed a staff member to take a picture for the local newspaper and the group proceeded to get together for the picture.  Well needless to say the one African American female was sorta on the side of the group and this KEY staff member stated “Now you know you need to get in the middle because you are a minority” to the African American female, who currently serves a community representative.  I immediately recognized the comment as being a micro-aggressiveness statement but didn’t comment to anyone about this.  However, I had my community representative and parent riding with me so as we made it back to our community they commented on how they were offended by the comment, both of whom are officers , included in picture and are Caucasian. Therefore, I had to explain to the individuals that I really didn’t feel that this was intentional and that the two of them are respected and appreciated. I feel that this experience just reiterate how important it is to be mindful of what we say because the two representatives from my community took a total offense to this comment and felt as though they were not appreciated. Therefore, again it’s so vital that we are cautious on the words that come out of our mouth, especially those of us who hold key management position, because these are leaders!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

I have chosen three individuals one a co-worker, one a friend and one a family member.
Co-worker:  My co-worker and I have worked together for nine years this month and have a great working relationship.  Our cultures are different in that she is African American and I being Caucasian.
Culture:  “I think culture is difference in the way people live and believe”.
Diversity: “I think they are very similar and it’s the difference in beliefs and perhaps faith”.
Friend:  The friend I choose to ask these questions I feel is very similar to me in her beliefs and we share very similar culture characteristics. This friend is also a first grade teacher in the public school system.
Culture: “Culture can be anything from the difference in how individuals live and their beliefs”.
Diversity:  “Diversity is differences in individuals, race, language, spiritual beliefs and life style”.
Family member:
This family member I choose is a Caucasian female who is married to an African American man.  I choose this family member because I thought her definition would be very interesting since she has a very successful culturally diverse marriage.
Culture:  “Culture is what a person believes in and holds close to their heart”.  “It also includes their spiritual beliefs, mannerisms, food, dress and so much more”.
Diversity: “Diversity involves the difference in people which includes the same items I mentioned in culture’s definition”.
Which aspects of culture and diversity that I have studied in this course are included in the answers I received—and what are some examples?
All of the answers I received had creditability; an individual’s spiritual beliefs can be part of their culture or diversity. For example, individuals with the same skin color can still have difference in culture/diversity, meaning that some individual with the same skin color can have different spiritual beliefs.
Which aspects have been omitted—and what are some examples of such omission?
I don’t think any aspects were omitted in the definitions I received.
In what ways has thinking about other people’s definitions of culture and diversity influenced my own thinking about these topics?
Having my cousin definition given it made me think that there are so many aspects to an individual’s culture and it’s not all about the person’s skin tone or language that sets individuals apart in culturally diverse aspects.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blog Assignment: My Family Culture

OMG….this would be so hard to endure! However, the first thing that came to mind was my photo album which includes my parents, siblings and my immediate family.  I would take album because my photos are very important to me and present who I am as an individual and also my family.  If I wasn’t able to remain in the US then these pictures would be the only representation of my culture and my family’s culture.
I would also take all of my letters and cards I have saved over the years from friends, family and my husband.  These items are very important to me also because again it shows the love and compassion of my friends and family and our culture.  My husband and I were childhood sweet hearts and have been married for nearly 20 years and I have every love letter he and I ever wrote to one another, money couldn’t buy them!  If I have collected and saved these items for over 20years there is no way I would part with them now.
I would also take my family bible.  I would not say I’m the most religious person however, I believe in God, I pray, I teach my children about God and try to live my life in a Godly way, but my bible would have to go with me and my family.  Another reason why I would insist of taking our bible is because we maybe going to a country where a bible isn’t in existence or where God is not believed in.  But most of all in order to get through this ordeal me and my family must have faith in God and be able to read the bible for strength!  
OMG not again, this would be so terrible if I could only take one item with me! I just honestly can’t say what I would do in that situation until I had to live through it, but I suppose I would have to take my Bible because this would be a living hell as it is but without the Bible for spiritual strength my family wouldn’t or would have a very-very hard time surviving.
I know I pictured this ordeal to be a very bad situation, however, If could have choose the country my response wouldn’t have been so bad. Therefore, not knowing what country we might be sent to I had to think the worst case scenario.  My insight was gained through thinking how difficult it must be for other nationalities to come over to the US and make a new home for their family and considering the US to be the land of well being and prosperity.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Blog Assignment: Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

I have sent out multiple emails in regards in establishing international contact with educators.  However, I have been unsuccessful at establishing contact; I haven’t had anyone to respond to my emails. Therefore, I chose the alternate assignment.
This podcast provided a lot of insight and further understanding Early Childhood Care and Education, titled: Early childhood care and education: the earlier the better. 
UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova opened the first World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education in Moscow with a reminder that education is the best insurance against poverty. There is no better way to set development on the right track than in the first years of a child’s life.  With this being said I think we, US Educators have similar views. The earlier a child is educated the more of an opportunity the child has for success.  Discussions are focused on development policies, costs and financing, and legal and institutional frameworks; regional experiences; quality and responsiveness; exclusion and marginalization; and monitoring and evaluation.  

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sharing Web Resources

I choose to explore the resource of zero to three website, .  This website has an abundant amount of research based information that I found to be very useful and beneficial in many of my research projects. This week’s newsletter was titled, Healthy Minds: Nurturing Your Child’s Development from 24to36 Months. I followed some of the links that was included in the newsletter which consisted of , American Academy of Pediatrics and I found this two links to be very informative and would be beneficial as future resources.

These three links shared similar beliefs in relations to the foundation for a healthy development which are as follows:
● Your child’s development depends on both the traits he or she was born with (nature), and what he or she experiences (nurture).
● All areas of development (social/emotional/intellectual/ language/motor) are linked. Each depends on, and influences, the others.
● What children experience, including how their parents respond to them, shapes their development as they adapt to the world.

These links also provide information in relations to the topics we have been discussing this week, equity and excellence in early care and education.

I found that all three links I researched feel that children need a healthy foundation for healthy development and if this foundation isn’t established it could have long lasting effects throughout the life of an individual.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Getting to Know Your International Contacts

 Since I have had a difficult time recieving a response back from my internationtal contacts, I have choosen to complete alternate assignment.
Prior to reading this article and researching this topic I always believed that child development started in the womb and I continue to believe this theory after reading the research.  There has been insistence where during prenatal the mother endures emotional and physical abuse that it has shown to have lifelong effects on the fetus after birth. Research has shown over and over again that the unborn fetus recognizes the voice of his or her family, particularly the mother and it has often been recommended to read to the unborn fetus.  Therefore, I agree with the article and research that early childhood education should be continued at birth. Newborns should be nurtured and given social and emotional support. This support will lead to the child being confident and have a foundation for academic growth.  
Teachers College, Columbia University. (2009). Early childhood care and education: Worlwide challenges and progress. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 11, 1–44. Retrieved from

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sharing Web Resources

This week the weekly newsletter focused on challenging behaviors.  The article suggested that challenging behavior can mean many things to many people.  This website has  developed a set of resources to help parents and professionals understand and respond to some of the most common and typical challenges that crop up in children’s early years which includes aggression, defiance, inconsolable crying, children who are slow-to-warm-up, and sleep challenges. 
We have seen an increase in the last few years of children being diagnosed with behavior/mental disorders including a high rate of autism being diagnosed which in my opinion has created an issue of teachers maintaining a well behaved and smooth running classroom. I do understand that every child is born with his or her own temperament, but these temperaments does influences a child’s behavior and particularly in the classroom.
This newsletter suggested that it is impossible to offer one strategy or response that will work for everyone. To help you apply the information here to your individual child, think about how your child’s temperament might influence his or her behavior, and how you may adapt the strategies you read about to meet the needs of your child and your family. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Getting to Know Your International Contacts

I have been unsuccessful at receiving back from professionals outside of the US so I choose the alternative activity, Podcast and researching the website
On the Morning Show on NBC this morning they had a piece on their about Poverty and Homelessness. The focus was on Charlotte North Carolina where they interviewed this single mother of five who has been homeless for a year and was currently living in a one bedroom apartment for homeless and displaced families.  The mother discussed the hardships of raising five children alone and trying to go to the school herself.  It was stated by the news reporter that one in every five children has or will experience homelessness sometimes in their life, which is 1.5million children. This number is astonishing and their needs to be a resolution to this ongoing problem that seems to be only getting worse with the state of our economy.
After studying this website the information according to the numbers were the same as I heard on the morning news which was an insight for me…I knew that many families were displaced, however, one out of five was heart breaking.
Another insight I gained through this website was that o 10 million children under five years old die every year from preventable diseases. As one of the most powerless groups in society, children often bear the physical and emotional costs of poverty.
The last insight I learned from this website was that I was unaware that something was being done drastically to increase poverty and homeless. The international community has committed itself to meeting the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. This includes lowering poverty rates, cutting by two-thirds the deaths of children under five and ensuring that all children in the world complete at least primary education.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sharing Web Resources

I initially contacted two professional individuals outside of the United States, however, I was unsuccessful at getting a response.
The name and link of the organization I selected is, Zero To Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families 
I selected this organization because I have used this website frequently in the past for research papers as well as to gather information for personal and professional reasons. I find this website/organization to be very informative and useful. The information on the website is always updated and the information and research is recent.
Zero to Three is a national nonprofit organization that informs, trains and supports professionals, policymakers and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers. 
This week’s newsletter that I found very informative and caught my attention was a article and graph describing the development of a child from 30-36months. The graph shows one side of what the toddler should be doing and the other side states what the parent should be doing to enhance the development of the toddler.
I also liked the idea that this organization is encouraging parents to limit the number of hours a child watches TV daily because of the influence of the advertising as well as the development of the child’s cognition.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

This week I had to choose two professionals, out of the United States to establish communication with and I contacted the following two individuals on Tuesday, June 29th via email.

 I choose these two individuals because I have an interest in the Candian Educational System because I have family there and I have always wanted to visit Germany and have an interest in the country.
The links which were provided in the blog resources was a huge help in helping me get started.
The second part of the blog assignment this week was visit a early childhood organization’s website in order to get to know specific ways in which the organization supports the early childhood community and the resources it offers.  I choose to sign up and become a member of the following organization.
Zero To Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families 
I choose this website because I always find the most current and helpful information located on this website. I have used this website many-many times as resource for research.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

When I Think of Research...

Blog Assignment: When I Think of Research...
  • What insights have you gained about research from taking this course?
I have so much more insight into how to research is conducted versus just reading and completing basic task of collection. I also learned how to take a subtopic and redefine it until it is no longer a broad spectrum. I also learned that real research, quality research is not an easy process and requires a lot of time and work.
·         In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed?
I feel that since taking this course I’m more respective and sensitive to others. A researcher should also be knowledgeable of the culture or diversity they may encounter while conducting the research. I also learned that there is more than just choosing a topic and completing collection. I also learned the various ways and methods in conducting research.
  • What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn?
I learned the importance of ethics in relations to research involving early childhood education. As a researcher I must be neutral in a situation and not have my own opinions weigh in the research.
  • What were some of the challenges you encountered—and in what ways did you meet them?
Conducting research was very new to me in a sense. I have conducted research in the past while working on my undergrad but not to the extent where I understood what a valid research paper should consist of. 

·         What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?

Personally I don’t feel that my perceptions have been modified at all. I still have a huge passion for early childhood education and if anything my passion has been enriched.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Research Around the World

Early Childhood Australia: This is the Australian equivalent to the U.S. based NAEYC. You can access several links to early childhood research from the menu on the left side of the home page.  
What are some of the current international research topics?  I found it interesting that Australia had very similar research topics as we do here in America, for example:
Ø  School Readiness and Children’s Transition
Ø  Childhood Obesity
Ø  Early Years Education Framework
Ø  Learning and Teaching Through Play
Ø  Children’s Resilience
Ø  Code of Ethics
Ø  Respecting Diversity
These are some of the same topics that are currently being researched here in America. I just recently attended a training on school readiness and an also on the Education Framework where an abundant amount of research was recently completed.
What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?
The first thing that I noticed and I wish more was done about in my school district, which I can’t speak for other areas, but I noted that research was currently underway in reference to bullying. This is being such an issue in many schools. As a Head Start center we do implement mental health into our curriculum but I think more emphasis should be done regarding bullying.
I also found that there is subscription to a magazine “Every Child” which is ideal for students, childcare workers, parents, grandparents or anyone who wants to keep up to date on events and developments around Australia that impact on children from birth to eight years or on the early childhood field in general.
There was also a link on this website where educators could share ideas and suggestions on many topics for example: Exploring and discovering, increasing your student’s curiosity, helping your students problem solve…this was an excellent idea where educators can learn from one another.
What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?
First of all I thought this website was very easy navigating and organized in a very neat and eyecatching matter.  
Another link I found very interesting was “Everyday Learning Series” which provides wonderful suggestions about how to create positive learning environments for young children. By 'making the ordinary, extraordinary', the Everyday Learning Series is an invaluable resource for parents, grandparents and care givers by assisting them in maximizing young children's play, exploration and discovery, and development within familiar environments.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I have a personal reason why I feel that research has been beneficial. I have a two children, ages 15 and six, however, my older son has always been very healthy and had no health issue and to this day still doesn't, thank God! However, my six year was born weighing 6pounds and 4ounces and from the time of birth he has had issues. At birth he had colic until he was about nine months old so that meant I didn't get any sleep at night. He also developed asthma right after birth and when he was two he begin to have severe allergic reactions.  At the early age of two months he would develop cough and colds and he wasn't able to to get rid of it. The doctor diagnosed him with asthma symptoms so he was given a nebulizer and all sorts of solutions to use. This was such a benefit for him as well as myself.
When he turned two we took him into the pediatrician's office for his well check. He was given a series of immunizations as well as flu shot. We proceeded to leave the office and go to the Walmart where my son begin coughing uncontrollably and his face was getting more red my the second.  Then finally he said "mommy I cant breath"..........OMG.........As a mother I panicked and was so afraid for my helpless child who looked at me with those big blue eyes for help. We were only about two miles from the ER so we immediately left and took him to the ER where he was having an allergic reaction to the immunizations. From that day forward he was given an Epi-pen as a precaution. Since this episode we have had him tested thoroughly by a renowned allergist and found out that he was allergic to food he had been eating since birth, all grass and all tress.....he had SEVERE allergies.  He was put on a series of medications and with a lot of pray he has improved and his allergies are not as SEVERE at the age of six..........however, he still has medication daily and precautions still have to be done.
With all of this being said, if research had not been done then my child may not have had the allergy testing and other treatments he has received that SAVED his life in that ER that day! THANK GOD for research because I had a sick child that benefited from it!

Friday, May 13, 2011

My Personal Research Journey

I have a passion for early childhood and have several areas that I have a very special passion for.  However, after some deliberation I have chosen the topic of special needs/autism since this is a rising issue in many classrooms across the country and it is a special passion of mine.
Ø Ways in which the community, family and school system can foster healthy development of children with autism.
Ø How the arts help children with autism development in positive and healthy ways?
Ø Positive and negative effects on relationships with siblings, family members, peers and teachers of children with autism.  
I became a Head Start teacher in 2002 and during my first year as a teacher I had a child in my classroom that had been diagnosed with autism, needless to say this was quite a challenging year for me especially being a new teacher. I also had feelings of unpreparedness and feared I could not provide what he would need during this school year. However, with a lot of research I did on my own, support from my education manager and other experienced staff this child showed so much improvement during the eight months we spent together. This child went from not speaking to talking, interacting with peers and teachers and his whole academic status increased. After such a fearful beginning to the year it ended in a very rewarding and successful school year. Since this time I have had a passion for children with special needs, especially children with autism. I also have a close friend of mine whose child was diagnosed with autism and this also increased my passion to advocate for children of autism.
I chose the three subtopics because the community, family and school system has a huge influence on the outcome of children with autism and I feel that we all need to collaborate together and foster positive and healthy outcomes for these children. I also think that the arts have a huge positive influence over children with autism, for example, my best friend son’s who was diagnosed with autism  has written two comic books and he is only 17 years old. I can remember looking back upon his early years around the age of four and five he was very creative and would put his thoughts on paper to create such creative creations. I have also seen the children in my class who was diagnosed with autism to be very creative and have artistic talent. I also chose to discuss how relationships influence with family members, peers, and teachers because of the lack of communication that these autistic children express.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have several factors within my daily environment that supports me and gives me strength each day which are:
Ø God-Faith
Ø My Family
Ø My Assistant
Ø My students
First of all I could not make it through the day without my faith and god strength. Through my faith I’m able to overcome obstacles and persevere through the stressors of everyday life. Without faith and my belief in God I don’t think I could make it through the day, how does anyone?

Secondly my family and my immediate family which consist of my husband and two children are a large part of my inspiration to make it through the day because I know when I get home I will be spending the evening with my life partner and two wonderful children.  I think sometimes what would my life be like without my two children and husband and I become frightened of the thought of not having them in my life.  My mother is also a great inspiration in my life, she has always been there for me to give me the love and support I need.  My mother lives about 30 minutes away from me but I speak with her at a minimum of twice a day. I also have a great support system within my extended family, my husband parents are very supportive and are very special people in my life that also help me with picking the kids up from school, running errands for me and may other favors they do for me when I’m not able to for myself.

Thirdly, my assistant is a supportive part of my daily routine. We have worked together for nearly ten years and have a fantastic relationship.  She is the type of person that I can depend on and she can depend on me which makes great teamwork.  My assistant never fails to jump in and lend a hand if I need help with something she is always there for me.  I could not imagine working with her, she is a God sent.

My job is rather challenging at times, but it’s such a rewarding and fulfilling profession. I look forward to going to my job each day and seeing all of the little similes on the faces of the children I serve daily.  If I’m a little down or need a laugh my children are always there to uplift me and my day is instantly better. I have often pondered over changing my profession, but I cannot see myself doing anything other than working in the educational field. Even as a little girl my favorite play was “being a teacher”.  

The benefits of these factors make my day better and they help me get through my sometimes challenging days. Again I just cannot imagine my life running smoothly without my faith in god, my family, my assistant and my students.